The LORD is Sovereign.

     Last week we were in Cottonwood AZ, at a particularly disappointing campground where the nights were literally freezing, and there was nowhere for campers to do there dishes. You were even not allowed to make a fire with wood! It had to be charcoal, and in the stationary grill.   

     On our last day, I went to the clubhouse to use the WIFI, and there was a lady there doing the same. We struck up a conversation about places we had been, and she recommended a place called El-Dorado Hot Springs, in Tonapah AZ. She even mentioned that they were looking for folks to trade work for camping privileges. I thought WOWEE, Thanks LORD, I love hot springs!

     Well,  we drove about a hundred miles South of Cottonwood AZ, and arrived at the hot springs in the afternoon.  I went in to discuss camping options, and to my surprise, it was a swimsuit optional hot springs! Well needless to say, NOT a place for Deborah and I.  We hopped in the bus and hi-tailed it out of there as fast as the bus would go.

     We spent a few minutes laughing about the hole thing, and it occurred to me that we hadn’t really prayed about it before we left frigid Arizona, for Warmer Arizona.  

     So as we sat in the dusty bus, we prayed for the Lord’s guidance for whats next.  We actually were convicted the Lord wants to do a new thing in our lives, without what we have been doing in past ministries.

     Both Deborah and I were convicted that we were trying to fit in a mold that was now broken. So we left Tonapah AZ, and headed South again not knowing where we would end up. We drove until almost dark, and as the Lord is Sovereign and completely in control of everything, he stopped us where we had something for us to do. As we were taking the dog for her last walk of the day, we noticed pictures carved in the rock!  PETROGLYPHS! 

Do these remind you of anything in Genesis? Maybe even Genesis 6?

Seems to be what the author of the glyphs were trying to tell a story about.   You can see the rest of the 3 day shoot, HERE.

Blessings from Craig and Deborah <><

      I am so very guilty of not blogging our activities like I wanted to. Please forgive me …

     Deborah and I are getting ready to head more South today. It freezes in Cottonwod AZ at night, and that is difficult on the bus, and us too.

      This story is about me, and a man named Mark that Deborah and I met in Wickenburg AZ. We pulled in to Wickenburg, Saturday the 3rd of November to go to Church in Wickenburg. We stayed in a motel so we could catch up on email, and laundry, and the like. Mark and his wife were living in the room next to us, and mark seemed a little tipsy when we met. What this story is about really is the state of my heart. I really felt kind of put off about Marks comments about the bus, and the scriptures on it everywhere. He said he was offended that the bus had a Star of David on the front, because he was a Christian / Jew. I stated the Jesus was Jewish, and asked him why that offended him. He thought in his state of tipsy-ness,  that the Star of David in the front of the bus, was a Islamic insignia. I was really put off by the whole conversation, and that really testifies as to the state of my heart.

     That Saturday night, we were up all night because of the noise from Marks room next door. People coming, and going. I was grumbling all night long. (Deborah seemed to sleep right through it). The next morning as we were packing up, and getting ready for church (Wickenburg Bible Fellowship), Mark came out of his room, and looked horrible. He asked if he could have a hug. My heart went cold, grumpy-ness was through and through me. Then Mark asked if I could pray for him. The Lord filled me full of compassion (again), and reminded me that I am Mark, except for His Grace. I got out of the bus, we both cried, and I prayed with and for Mark.

As I surrendered my grumpy-ness to the Lord, He just filled me with His Spirit, and the prayers for Mark just came out, and for that I am very grateful. We keep one Bible in reach in Deborah’s backpack for times just like this. It happened to be the Bible that Deborah recovered for me in China with leather, and it had my name, and birthdays in it. Mark didn’t want to keep it because it was obviously a very special Bible, but I told him that he was more special, and we cried some more. Please continue to pray for Mark about his alcoholism, his healing, for he and his wife, and his new walk with the Lord.

     Once again God used the bus to be a tool to point people to Him, and as a vehicle (pun intended) to break up the fallowed ground in my heart. Please continue to Pray for Deborah and I, that our hearts and ears will be attuned to His divine appointments …
Blessings, Craig and Deborah on the road <><

Psalm 32:9 (NKJV)


     Do not be like the horse or like the mule, Which have no understanding, Which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, Else they will not come near you.

      In other words, God is sovereign, He is in control of everything.  I had learned a long time ago that when the bus blows up, God is trying to get my attention.  He whispers in our ears, and desires that we are listening, and hear His voice amidst all the turmoil of things going on in our lives.  He doesn’t want to have to yank violently on the reigns, He desires that we listen to that still and quiet voice in the back of our mind.  You see 20 years ago the LORD taught me that.   Seems I have forgotten.  God blew up the bus as we were climbing to Klamath Falls Oregon on our first day of travel because He was trying to get my attention, to tell us where to stop and fellowship. We of course were praying for that very thing.

     We limped into Klamath Falls that evening, and stayed in a hotel where Deborah and I could take a breather. We stayed 2 nights so I could work on the bus, and we could attend the fellowship that The LORD was leading us to. We ended up going to the Vine Christian Fellowship. Deborah and I both felt that the LORD was speaking to us individually. Isn’t it amazing how the LORD leads?   Well I hope that it doesn’t take me as long to get in the “listening” mode as it did 20 years ago.

Blessings from Craig and Deborah <><


The Rock …

It’s really amazing when God leaves instructions on your doorstep.  We know that we are setting out on a new adventure, we have known for the last year or so.  I have been the executive director of the Outreach Gospel Mission for the last 4 years, and we have had our ups and downs there, but particularly in the last year we could sense God moving us away from organized rescue ministry, and out into the field for ministry.  I don’t believe missionaries ever retire, especially in these last days. We always will have an opportunity to point to Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and King.   Christians are missionaries by nature, or should be.  One night last week as we returned late from Deborah’s Bible study, it was about 11:00 PM. We were both tired, and had come in and out of the house from the car, unloading things as we went. I went out for one more trip, and to my astonishment, there was something on our doorstep.  It was a painted rock!  We don’t have neighbors that would do this, our pastor lives in a different town. In fact we could think of no one who would this on our doorstep?  In a time where Deborah and I are waiting on the Lord for direction / instructions, we get it, from the Lord Himself.  On the back of the rock is a verse taped to the rock, it is Ephesians 1:17;

17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,

However the rock ended up on our doorstep, we take it literally, “A Lost World, Needs to know Our God!” As Deborah and I start out on the road, piled in the Bus, we will keep this rock in front of us in the bus remembering that God can and will use us to point to Him wherever we are …  

Craig and Deborah, Blessings <><